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Last revised: 23/03/03
Sport Arco e Frecce CAM organizes every year several competitions that are already
become "Classics" in the Italian and International archery world.
If you want to have a look to the summary of the competitons of the recent
years, click herebelow:
Otherwise, here is what happened during our 1999 competitions:
III 18 mt. Indoor Tournament - Gallarate (VA)- 30
and 31 January 1999
Tournament reserved to the Senior and Master Classes. Prizes in Electronic products. 120
partecipants, with again Absolute winners our Michele Frangilli for the Olympic Bow and Giuseppe de Petri of Arcieri
Valtellina for the Compound Bow.
The program ( Italian Only) is available here.
The results are available here.
II 18 mt. Indoor Tournament for under 18- Gallarate (VA)- 31 January 1999
Tournament for under 18, only. Prizes in Electronic products. 58 partecipants to
this edition on Sunday, morning only.
The program ( Italian Only) is available here.
The results are available here.
XX 900 Round "Cockerel Tournament" - Gallarate (VA), 25 April and 1 May 1999
The most Classical and Famous of our competitions.
The tournaments gets his name from the elimination round that is held at the end of the
official 900 round competition and is shot using special rules on
special targets with three cockerels designed on them, and that gets inspiration from
the Cock, that is the official symbol of the town of Gallarate.
For the fifth year, the Compound Competition has
been held separately on April, 25, toghether with the Bare Bow competiton. 40
partecipants in a splendid spring day, with Maurizio
Zanellato of Camery Archery winning the Cockerel tournament. The Olympic bow
competition has seen 96 partecipants in an almost summer day. The tournament of the cockerel has been won for the
second subsequent year by Michele Frangilli, beating in the final
match the junior Daniele Ascenzi of Arcieri del Sole.
Here the Program ( Italian only)
Here the results of the Compound and Bare Bow
Here the results of the Olympic Bow competition
The Students Games of the Varese Province have been back to the Garden 2
Sport Centre also this year.
34 children from four Clubs have strongly competed for the final success. Highest
score to Carla Frangilli.
Here the program ( Italian only)
Here the results.
VIII Sport Arco e Frecce CAM FITA Star Tournament- Olgiate Olona (VA), 5 September
Again on the beutiful ground of the Olgiate Olona
Athletic track, the most classical competition: the FITA , shot also this time from short to long
distances. 74 partecipants in a beautiful day
perfect for shooting, with the Italian record for Compound
Teams established by Arcieri Valtellina. First and second place for Olympic Bow men
for ours Michele Frangilli and Andrea Tarelli and first place in Compound Men
for Giuseppe de Petri of Arcieri Valtellina. At the end of the competition, the
fourth edition of the Super Final Trophy at the maximum distances has been
shot between the top two in the Olympic and
Compound men and Women classes.
Here the program
Here the results (Italian only)
XI 25 Mt Tournament - Gallarate (VA), 27 and 28 November 1999
Tournament reserved to the Senior and Master Classes, with 78
partecipants. Winners have been Michele Frangilli for
Olympic Bow and Roberto Origgi for Compound Bow, both from our
Club, that has also been the winner of the Olympic
Teams classement.
Here the program (Italian only)
Here the results (Italian only)
II 25 Mt Indoor Tournament for under 18 - Gallarate (VA), 28 November 1999
Tournament for under 18, only, with 45
Here the program (Italian only)
Here the results (Italian only)
V International 24 Hours Sport Arco e
Frecce C.A.M. - Castellanza (VA), 4 and 5 December 1999
135 teams from all Italy, Switzerland, Slovenja,
France and Romania for the last 24 Hours of this millennium !
All the details in the Page of the 24 Hours
December 1999 - 1 January 2000 - NOT ORGANIZED
A little crazy idwa for a 25 + 18 mt. tournament in
between the birth of the new Millennium, with Dinner and dancing. Feasibility evaluation
has reached a good stage, but the terrible request of more than Lire 20.000.000. plus VAT
for the rental of the Castellanza Exibition centre has cancelled the project. the Idea
will anyhow remain here as memory of an incredible project.