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It's probably dated 1975 the first edition of the Tournament of the Cockerel, the direct elimination round propertary of Compagnia Arcieri Monica. that has been the true precursor of the Olimpic Round.
The competition was born similar to the Tournament of the Apple, that at that time was yearly organized in to the Arengo of Novara by the local Club, Compagnia Arcieri dell'Arengo, using very similar rules that year after year, with variation of distances and type of elimination, have generated the present absolute version with different distances forCompound and Olimpic, as well as the indoor version used as one of the archery games during the 24 Hours tournament.
BersaglioThe target was designed by the same designer that created the original symbol of the Club, beeing inspired by the cock, that is the official symbol of the town of Gallarate. It consists of three cockerels of different sizes with a red circolar belly. The indoor version is similar, but with reduced size. The competition has ever been shot as complementary to an official competition, first with American Rounds and after with 900 Rounds. Since many years the competition is held the first of May, after our traditional Spring 900 Round, while in 1995 is born the indoor edition, that has been shot during the 24 Hours.
The tournament has seen many famous winners, like Leandro De Nardi, Giancarlo Ferrari and Guido Bonalumi.

The Outdoor competition
The outdoor competition has been modified several times as far as the shooting distance is concerned. Presently it is held at 40 mt. for the Compound division and at 30 mt. for the Olimpic division and the Bare Bow division and at 15 mt. for the Giovanissimi (under 12) class. If competing in the same day, Compound and Olimpic compete in an absolute ranking, shooting at their specific distaces.
Rules are simple: the big cockerel scores 10 points, the midium 20 points and the small 30 points. Each end is of tthree arrows, aimed were preferred. After each end, approximately 50 percent of the shooters are eliminated , as function of total score and number of arrows hitting the scoring areas, an following the judgement of the director of the competition.
For instance, during the 96 Olimpic bow edition, the first end has been shot by 163 competitors, the second end by 90, the third end by 40, the fourth end by 18, the fifth end by 9, the sixt end by 4, and the seventh end by two for the final match for the first place and also by two for the final match for the third place. The finalists have therefore shot a total of 21 arrows each.....
After the first end, when the scoring is rather slow as of the number of competitors, the competition becomes then very fast, even considering that there is no time limit for the three arrow end. A special rule allows all partecipants that have already shot to make rumors and noise to speed up the ones still on the shooting line. The final matches are extremely exciting as there is no time limit even for the first arrow, and the succesfs is in the nerves of the finalists and the incitements from the spectators.

For the editions and the winners of the Tournament of the Cockerel, clik here.

The Indoor Competition
The target represents three cockerels with red round body in a black circle. Smallest cockerel value is 30 points, medium 20 points and largest 10 points. If the arrow touches the line, the cockerel is hitten. Head, tail and legs do not score.
5 series of 3 arrows are shot, and shooter is free to choose to whitch cockerel to shoot each arrow. For each series, the score of each arrow, the total and the zeros are registered, with total maximum possible score of 450 points.
First four results at the end the 5 series will shoot the semifinals ( 1 to 4 and 2 to 3) and the winners will go for the final. Ties will be break by single arrow shot.

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