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This page contains some links some freely downloadable archery related softwares and documents from the web. The use and reproduction of these softwares and documents has to be done in compliance to the relate licenses and copyrights:

verbale.exe Form  "Verbale di Gara"(to be filled by Judges of Italian competitions) Obsolete. Freeware, self-extracting Win 95/98 archive, Word 97 format.
Arrow1.exe Calculation of arrows parameters Shareware, self extrating archive, DOS format.
Codfisc.exe Calculation of the Italian Fiscal Code for phisical persons Shareware for Win 95/98.
B&W.exe Bow and Arrow Game Shareware game for Windows 3.1/95/98 . Self extrating archive, Win 3.1/DOS format.
Modulo di iscrizione Sample of member registration form for an Italian archery club Freeware, self-extracting Win 95/98 archive- New version in Word 2000 format. Speed List 3.16, the official FITARCO program for handling competitions Freeware for all FITARCO Clubs. Self extracting archive - DOS format. New version,  compatible with 2002 classes. Also includes version for P-II/P-III computer classes.
clindoor.exe Indoor results printing for Speed List. Two programs compiled with SLCOMP for Speed List II 3.16 that allow to optimize the printing of the results and the Prize Giving ceremoni of Indoor Competitions. New edition. Self extracting archive - DOS format.
clgdg00.exe Giochi della Gioventu' results printing for Speed List. Program compiled with SLCOMP for Speed List 3.16 that allow to optimize the printing of the results of the Giochi della Gioventu' competitions. New edition. Self extracting archive - DOS format.
Joe Tapley's Arrow Flight Simulator A fantastic piece of software to analize the flight of an arrow. Freeware, Win 95/98 archive. Direct download from thededicated page on Sagittarius Club.
CL900R.prg Programmed results printing for a  900 Round for SL III

Freeware. Printing program for SL III that includes in the general list of results also the Absolute Teams by Division ((M,F and V,S,J,A)

GDG2006-TEMPLATE.sl3 Giochi della Gioventu' 2006 by SL III - Comunali, Provinciali e Regionali phases Freeware. Template of a file to handle the various phases of the Giochi della Gioventu' 2006 by using SL III. Typing the Fiscal Code of the Archer, he/her is automatically assigned to the proper Class of competition. 
Recognizes also the joungers of I Superiore.
Top Screensaver 1 Screensaver with Michele Frangilli Freeware. Intalls a Screensaver with a picture of Michele Frangilli shooting at the European Target Championships 2002.
50 mt Match Round - Program Program to handle the  50 Mt  Match Round Freeware by Enzo Viscuso. DOS Program. Compressed archive for  Win95/98.  
50 mt Match Round - Scores Scores sheets for the  50 Mt Match Round Freeware. Files in PDF frmat. Compressed archive for Win95/98
Verbale di gara 2004 Form  "Verbale di Gara"(to be filled by Judges of Italian competitions) Freeware. Courtesy of Gianfranco Fornasier.  .doc documents in a compressed archive for  Win 95/98
CLINDOOR.PRG Programmed Results printing for an Indoor competition with SL III Freeware. Programmed printing for SL III that replicates the General Results adding the Absolute Division Teams results.
PRINDOOR.PRG Programmed  results printing for an Indoor competitio with SL III, simplified for Award Ceremony Freeware. Programmed  printing for SL III that groups a limited list of Results for Absolute Individuals, Class, Ctegory and Absolute Division teams, to simplify Award Ceremony.
SL3_1_12_4668 Speed List III 1.12, the new official FITARCO program for handling competitions Freeware for all FITARCO Clubs.  Compatibile Win 95/98/Me/Xp/NT/2000. Most updated official version available
BullsEye Archery game Freeware, from Canadian Archery Federation web site 

Acrobat Reader  Freeware. Indispensible to read files with .pdf extension

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