L'originale di questa pagina e' in          Last revised: 06/03/16

This form should be used by individual archers that are NOT affiliated to the Italian Archery Federation FITARCO. If you are a FITARCO member, please use the Italian Version of this form.
It is possible to register to  all the competitions organized by  C.A.M. - Compagnia Arcieri Monica , by filling up this form. It is intended that the registration will be considered as valid only if all the requested information will be submitted.

Club Name :     Country:                        

Family Name:                                Given Name:                           

E-Mail:                                        Telephone/ Mobile:    

Division:   Class     Year of Birth :

Preferred Group:                  Alternate Group:  


By pushing the SEND button, you officially declare that information supplied are right and that you are accepting all the rules of the competitions as informed by - CAM - Compagnia Arcieri Monica.
In case of doubt or need for information, please do not send this form, but send an    E-mail to our address.


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