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The most Frequently Asked Questions about Archery Sport are answered here below by SPORT ARCO E FRECCE - C.A.M. with the siplest answers:
Whitch are the age limits for the sport of archery?
There are no age limits, but practically we have found that is wery difficult for a child to properly master even the weeker existing bow earlier than the age of seven, while the upper age limit is only related to the health status of the archer, as there are shooters still competing in official tournaments with age over 80.
How do we start?
You subscribe to one of theArchery Courses periodically organized during the year.
And what we do after the couse ?
You have to buy a full personal archery set following the indications of your instructors and then subscribe to our club, CAM - COMPAGNIA ARCIERI MONICA, so that you can enter our Training sites were you'll be continuously followed by the Instructors of our club.
Then, do we shoot only in the training sites ?
Certainly not! Based on your personal taste, after some training you'll be ready to partecipate to the Club competitions and to official FITARCO competitions of any kind for pure personal plesure or to achieve higher technical levels, up to the qualification to the National Championships and to the National Teams.
Is there any contra-indication ?
Archery sport is considered almost simmetrycal, so there is no risc involved at any momet of the development of the joungers. Therefore, there are no contraindications. Before starting to participate to official competitions, anyhow, it is compulsory by law to be submitted to the specific Sport Fitness Visit at the official authorized Medical Sport Centers, and is therefore not risky in any phase of the phisical development.
What about insurances ?
Civil responsability insurance is included with the subscription to FITARCO, Federazione Italiana di Tiro con l'Arco, that is compulsory for all members of CAM - COMPAGNIA ARCIERI MONICA.
And then, how much it costs ?
The basic archery set, suitable for beginners or for children, costs approximately 150,00 Euro, plus the subscription fee to the Club and the Subscription fee to FITARCO. At higher level, a good set that alredy allow to compete at reasonable level costs around 600,00 Euro. Over this , you enter the field of high level equipments for top competitors, with costs up to and over 2.500,00 Euro. Of course, all intermediate possibilities exist, and you can get a better image of the situation having a look to on line archery catalogs.