50 Mt. Match  Round

Experimental competition approved by FITA

Preliminary rules - 2nd Edition


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The 50 Mt. Match  Round consists of a ranking round of 27 arrows at 50 Mt. on 122 cm face for all classes and divisions, shot in order to divide all participants into Flights of 8 shooters, independently from their class, and a Round Robin, also shot at the same distance and on the same target face, of seven matches of 9 arrows  in each flight, in order to determine the podium positions for each flight.

In short:

·        Divisions accepted: Recurve, Compound, Bare Bow, Standard

·        Classes accepted: All classes of sex and age will compete altogether in the same Division.

·        Number of arrows in the ranking round: 9 ends of 3 arrows each, total 27 arrows

·        Number of arrows in the matches: 7 matches of 9 arrows each, total 63 arrows

·        Total number of arrows in the competition: 90 arrows, for total maximum 900 points

·        Ranking procedure: archers are ranked in each Division by  points, hits, gold's, X's (as usual)

·        Archers are then repositioned on targets as follow: archers ranked 1-4  to target one of that division, archers 5-8 to target two and so on.

·        In case of tie in the ranking round for the archers ranked 8/9, 16/17 etc. in each division, they will be ranked by the organizers (alphabetic order by family name and then by given name is suggested).

·        Assignment to flights and targets should consider to have a minimum of 2 archers in one target and a minimum of 4 archers in one flight. That means that divisions with less than 4 archers will not be eligible to compete, and that organizers will arrange at their discretion  the last 2 or more flights in the ranking of each division in order to comply with said minimum.

·        In each flight, each archer will shot 7 matches of 3 ends of 3 arrows each.

·        Matches will be shot in the following sequence ( considering target 1 and 2 as of the same flight):

·        First series of matches ( Matches 1 to 4)

A1-A2   B1-B2   C1-C2  D1-D2

A1-B2   B1-C2   C1-D2  D1-A2

A1-C2   B1-D2   C1-A2  D1-B2

A1-D2   B1-A2   C1-B2  D1-C2

·        Second series of matches ( Matches 5 to 7)

A1-D1   B1-C1   A2-D2  B2-C2

A1-C1   B1-D1   A2-C2  B2-D2

A1-B1   C1-D1   A2-B2  C2-D2

·        Result of the matches will be decided only by score. Matches won will give 2 points, tied 1 point and lost 0 points. Byes will be given for matches without competitor, that will be shot but will anyhow score 0 points.

·        Competitor totalizing the maximum number of wins will get therefore 14 points total.

·        Podium in each flight will be determined by the total of the match points. In case of tie,  total cumulated score including the ranking round ( an then total hits, gold's and  X's) will break the tie. In case of final perfect tie, the two or more competitors will be ranked at the same place.

·        In total, each competitor will shoot 90 arrows at 50 Mt. on 122 cm face, thus getting a Grand Total Score comparable to that of a FITA 900 Round. Organizers at their discretion may also reward top three Gran Total Scores of each Division, as well top Division Teams ( three top ranked archers per team) by Gran Total Score.

·        Scorecard for the 27 ranking arrows should be a standard one from any of the FITA Target or Indoor Competitions.

·        Scorecard for the flights should be as per enclosed samples , were scorecards 1-1 and 1-2 will be for target one in each flight, and scorecards 2-1 and 2-2 will be for target 2 in each flight.



Special Note : How to handle the competition


It is suggested to start the competition at around 10:30 A.M  with 2 ends of 3 sighting arrows, and then the 27 arrows of the ranking round.

Competitors should be distributed on the targets from left to the right, already separated by Division, for instance Recurve Division first, then Bare Bow Division and then Compound Division.

There should be a sufficient number of targets to keep all archers of different divisions shooting to separate targets. In addition, a minimum of one empty target per Division should be available.

Competitors should bear a normal back number

After shooting the 27 ranking arrows, Competitors should be invited to redeposit their back numbers on the shooting line.

During  a time of approximately 45 minutes to one hour that will then be given for Lunch, organizers will prepare the result of the ranking arrows and the re-assignment of the archers to the targets.

Competitors will then be called  by the organizers on the shooting line target by target, in order to make sure that they understand their new target assignment as well as they pick up and bear their new back number.

The score cards for the two groups of matches should be prepared by the organizers filling all positions in the "Opponent" columns with the related number of the target, in order to make easier for the competitors to compare scores each other at the end of each match.

The first group of 4 matches will then be shot, followed by the second group of 3 matches.

Organizer have the chance to give some short interval, like 10 minutes,  between the 2 groups of matches, in order to collect the related score cards, to be used to prepare a temporary list of the results.

Awards ceremony should take place as soon as possible after the end of the second group of matches.

A special computer program to handle all the phases of the competition is available from FITA for free and  shall be used to handle the competition properly. It requires as a minimum a very low end computer ( 386 / 4 MB RAM ) with MS DOS only, but can be run from Windows 95/98, too. A printer compatible with MS-DOS commands is needed, too.



Issue 2.00

V. Frangilli - 8 June 2000