1998 24 HOURS
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Last revised: 31/12/99
en Française
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- Central hall of the "BUSTO ARSIZIO" Exibition Centre located in CASTELLANZA
(VA), Viale Borri, and easy to reach from the exit CASTELLANZA on A8 Motorway from Milano
to Laghi.and Varese.
- Opening Ceremony on Saturday, December 5th, at 13:00
- Parade of the standards and flags of the Clubs
- Hoistering of the national flags and nationals anthems
- Competition Start on Saturday, December, 5th, at 14:00
- Competition End on Sunday, December, 6th, at 14:00
- Prize giving Ceremony on Sunday, December, 6th, at 15:00
Competition Rules
- Competition for Teams of three shooters, at 18 meters on triple triangular indoor
target (Las Vegas) .
- Compound division scores the bigger ten, too.
- Series of three arrows in two minutes , as per FITA rules, with one shooter per team
shooting , only.
- The team members can change the order of shooting between them at any time and even
replace the shooter during the same series.
- No training or sightings arrows, no extra time for technical problems, no stops.
- Some archery games will break the competition, only.
- Olimpic Bow (could be with members of any age or sex)
- Compound Bow (could be with members of any age or sex)
- Bare Bow (could be with members of any age or sex)
- Juniors Olimpic, with age up to 18 years (could be with members of any sex)
- Other classes if registered in the minimum number of 15 teams in the Class or
Division ( please specify exact class and division on the Registration form).
- To easier the completion of the teams, each team may be completed with shooters from
other Clubs, provided that the three members bear the same uniform.
- Waiting list for archers that are alone but would like to
partecipate if they find at least one parner will be also managed.
- Each Archery Club can register an unlimited number of teams, and each team can use a
different uniform and a different specific name.
Available Facilities
- Sleeping hall (no facilities)
- Self Service Restaurant , Bar over 24 hours.
- Internal Parking for Campers and Roulottes ( for the night of the 5th. only)
- Hotels in the neighborhood (see Hotel list).
- No stop Music and surprises
- Souvenir (pin) and T-shirt to all Shooters
- Special prizes to the most beautiful Club Flag and to the best Team Uniform.
- Minimum prizes: 1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th/10th/20th/30th/40th/etc./last Olimpic and
Compound teams, 1st/2nd/3rd Bare Bow and Junior Olimpic teams, as well as special prizes
for the archery games.
- Prize to the first Club ( Based on total score of best Compound +Olimpic + Junior
team for each Club).
- Prizes for a total commercial value over Lire 20
Millions, with prizes for each of the members of the winning teams.
- TV, HI-FI, Archery equipments and other value prizes
- Lire 270.000 per Team (Lire 90.000.per shooter if less than 3 in the Team!!) for
Olimpic , Compound and Bare Bow
- Lire 135.000. for Junior Olimpic teams (Lire 45.000 per shooter if less than 3 in the
Team !!).
- Registrations can not be canceled after November, 23, 1997
- Registration fees as well as the total cost of meals booked have to be paid by the
responsible of each Club for all the teams registered, in advance or at the arrival at the
competition hall.
Maximum 200 Teams, register
immediately !!!
Registration Form
Tel . : +39-0331/799101
Fax : +39-0331/700693
E-Mail :
Suggested Hotels (prices are indicative, only):
Via Edison, 11 LEGNANO
Ph. +39+331+548131
Double Lire 130.000 Single Lire 90.0
300 mt from Exibition Centre, suburbs of Legnano and Castellanza
Via Saronno, 4 CASTELLANZA
Ph. +39+331+442327
Double Lire 130.000 Single Lire 90.000
2 Km from Exibition Centre, suburbs of Legnano and Castellanza
Viale Duca d'Aosta, 14 BUSTO ARSIZIO
Ph. +39+331+636422
Double Lire 150.000 Single Lire 115.000
3 Km from Exibition Centre, downtown Busto Arsizio
Piazza Manzoni, 1 BUSTO ARSIZIO
Ph. +39+331+631715/631517
Triple Lire 105.000 Double Lire 90.000 Single Lire 60.000
3 Km from Exibition Centre, downtown Busto Arsizio